Sweden Proves Socialism Cannot Work in the Long Run Even Under Optimal Conditions

This report by an American living in Sweden (seen first on Ace of Spades) well supports my thesis that socialism can work for a time, if the population is small, homogenous and hard-working.  If people are naturally industrious and minded to look out for each other, then the free-rider problem isn’t so severe.  But the problem is, socialism works to undermine the very characteristics that make it work in the first place- it attracts malingerers, discourages thrift and responsibility, and causes its own collapse.  Immigrants come in to take advantage of the free welfare, or if immigration is somehow restricted, their own children grow up not learning the value of hard work.  Ultimately group loyalty becomes completely undermined, more and more people free-ride, and eventually math wins, as it always does.


2 thoughts on “Sweden Proves Socialism Cannot Work in the Long Run Even Under Optimal Conditions

  1. JJJ says:

    I saw your wife’s link to this on Fb, found it intriguing, and came over to read it. However, your link to Ace of Spades is to the root and not the specific story. Sadly, I’m just not intrigued enough to scroll back to find it….


    1. Matt Powell says:

      Well, it was just a news item on AoS’ sidebar, not a post that I could link to. I linked to the full story on the Sweden Report. That’s where the story really is.

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