Most of what people spend their lives doing is trying to overcome the effects of the curse without ever actually dealing with the curse itself. The reason we are separated from one another, why people are hateful and envious of one another, why people are at war with themselves, engage in destructive behaviors of substance abuse, drunkenness, promiscuity and the like, why nations go to war, why people wreck the planet, wreck their families, wreck their own bodies- all of it is because they are alienated with God. The rest of that is God’s curse on us for rebelling against Him. So it is absolutely futile to try to solve any of those other problems without solving the one big problem. We’re not stronger than God, and we will never defy His curse against us. So people work hard, or chase pleasure, or get educations, or lose themselves in entertainment, all to try to feel peace and happiness in their lives, or at least avoid pain. But they will fail, because God is God and He will execute His judgment. If we accept reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ, though, the rest of it will all fall in line.