We found out a few weeks ago that Andrea has a complication known as placenta previa, which means that her placenta is down at the bottom of her uterus instead of at the top where it’s supposed to be. This means she has to have a c-section, and also that we have to stay near a hospital due to the possibility of a hemhorrage starting at any time. So we’re staying at my mom and dad’s in the Springs until the baby is born, which will probably be in the middle of May sometime.
We’re doing OK, dealing with the inconvenience and the uncertainty. The last week has been really crazy, since Friday night when I had to rush Andrea in to the hospital because she was bleeding. I’m spending about half my time in COS and half in Limon. Andrea has some discomfort but basically feels as good as one ever does in the last month of pregnancy. Thanks a bunch to everyone who’s been helping with meals, who’s visited, who’s sent cards and called. We appreciate it.
I’m getting a really good opportunity to practice what I preach. I have told a lot of people to trust God with uncertainty and fear; that God is in control; that not a hair falls from our heads without His will. Now I get to try to live up to those expressions of trust myself. There’s nothing quite so humbling as an event like this to show one one’s utter dependence on God for everything. How quickly the plans and intentions of man are swept aside. “As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes. For the wind passes over it, and it is gone, And its place remembers it no more. But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting On those who fear Him, And His righteousness to children’s children.” (Psalm 103)
My wife had a “partial” placenta previa with her last two pregnancies. The bleeding would trigger contractions — which would involve trips to the hospital to stop the contractions.
Neither pregnancy ended in a C-section (thank the Lord). In our cases, the growth and development of the baby cause the placenta to move out of the way. Perhaps this will happen in your case too.
I prayed for you and your family.