Phil at Every Thought Captive, who spends a lot of time thinking about apologetics, has some interesting thoughts about the Emergent Church and their critique of modern evangelical apologetics.
The most annoying thing to me about the Emergent church movement is that whenever they want to identify themselves as such, they focus on their differences, but whenever confronted with a debate, they just say they’re the same as everyone else. Generalizations, I know, but there you are.
The Emergent Church has a problem with the Gospel as well. McLaren, one of their leaders, has asked if the Gospel of Jesus Christ was only about saving individual souls. They are willing to try anything and everything, the rosary, labyrinths, chanting. Many of the up and coming pastors of this movement are fuzzy on the Trinity. I just got home from work and found your blog (via another blog). This could become a minor addiction.